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Welkom in Nederland!

In this section you can find a brief introduction to a new country.  Each time we boarded the bus to head to new lands, we were given a very informative talk that would help us better understand the big picture.  Life is brought to traveling when knowledge is gained about people outside of our comfort zone.

During the 21 day tour, we had scheduled sights and time for optional sights.  Below is a list of the best things to do in this country:


-Anne Frank House

-Red Light District


-Canal Boat Cruise

-Arnhem's Open-Air Museum

Suggested Options:

-Van Gogh Museum

-Heineken Museum

Currency: Euro

Famous Foods: gouda cheese, rijsttafel, herring, and french fries with mayonnaise

Drinks to Try: Heineken and Dutch Jenever

Famous Artists: Vincent Van Gogh, Rembrandt, M.C. Escher, Francis Hals, and Johannes Vermeer

Historical Figures: Anne Frank and Erasmus

Political System: Constitutional Monarchy, Democratic Parliament

What They're Known For: Tolerance (prostitution, marijuana, etc.)

Interesting Fact: They have the tallest people in Europe.

Book Recommendations: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Movie Recommendations: Ocean's Twelve, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and Tulip Fever

English          Dutch           Pronunciation

Hello              Hallo             Hall-o

Goodbye       Tot ziens      Tot seens

Please            Alstublieft   Alst-oo-bleeft

Thank you     Dank u         Dank-oo

Yes/No           Ja/nee           Yah/nay

Cheers           Proost          Pro-st

Toilet             Toilet            Twahlett

Language 101

Country "Need to Knows"

Sights to See

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