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Day 19: Ja'Taime Paris

“If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.” ― George Harrison

Best Moments

1.) Morning walk in Beaune
2.) Drinking wine as we entered Paris
3.) Our bus driver giving us a scenic tour of Paris before he dropped us off (even going through the crazy roundabout of the Arc de Triomphe)
4.) Saying our goodbyes to our bus driver and reflecting on all of the fun memories
5.) Purchasing a book similar to Where's Waldo with French descriptions of famous Paris sights
6.) Returning to Notre Dame and feeling the same sensation I did last time
7.) Wandering around Paris in the crazy rain and cold
8.) Thinking I was ordering duck and getting turkey instead
9.) Taking a cruise down the Seine

10.) Having a buddy to keep me warm on the cold/wet walk back to our hotel (it didn't help that I wasn't dressed for this weather)

Daily Recap​​
*I wish we had more time in Beaune, but as always, there are more places to see.  One more place, to be exact.

*Our drive to Paris was bittersweet because we knew that we would be short one member that night.  It was also amazing because he provided the best possible entrance into Paris.  Some of our friends had some wine leftover from Switzerland, so we all had our dixie cups with a few sips of wine.  We entered the city and received a personal tour from the road.  Rene even went through the Arc de Triomphe roundabout and we made it out alive.  I've been to Paris before, but even I am always taken aback by Paris' beauty.  For most of my tour members, this was their first view of the city and I can't see how it could have been any better.

*We had some time to visit a few sites after our arrival.  We visited Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle.  It was quite rainy.

Personal Connections

*I had so much fun on the bus ride to Paris.  People knew that I had been to Paris before, and they were asking for advice on what to see and do.  How I would love to do this as a career.  We pulled out our maps and made possible itineraries.  We discussed which sights were musts, and which ones would be great to visit if there was time.  I felt like I was in my element.

*The weather was not ideal for our first day of wandering Paris and of course I lost my umbrella at Notre Dame.  Let's just say I was not dressed appropriately.  Luckily my buddy was there to keep me warm.  She held me tight as we sloshed in puddles.  Jennifer was a big help too.  She let me borrow her umbrella since she had a hood.  Everyone did what they could to help me.  I think that shows the connections that can be built in just 3 weeks.  I think we would all go out of our way to help each other if someone needed it.

Information Station

Notre Dame

Sainte Chapelle


Stub Hub

Rick Steves is a big fan of the Rue Cler neighborhood.  We stayed just a street away from the markets.  The hotel was very nice and a great location.

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